Lycee Maurice Genevoix, Marignane
Maurice Genevoix high school is made up of 2 high schools: the general and technological high school (attended by 980 pupils) and the vocational high school (370 pupils). All the classes are held on the same premises. The school is located in Marignane where 34,154 inhabitants live.
The international airport lies on the territory of the town and serves the Marseille area, the 2nd largest town in France.
In our school, students can study for an NVQ up to a HND. They can mainly major in business. We also offer sciences, economics, literature and management. Our vocational school offers students different pathways such as management, sales and trade. We also have courses for a HND specialized in trade and customers' relation.
Then we have a special unit working on social integration (named ULIS) which was opened in September 2015 and caters to a dozen students split in four groups ( for the NVQ and for the vocational A-level in Administrative work).
The number of students who have enrolled has increased and we have noticed that they truly were able to integrate well in the pathway they chose.Classes of French as foreign language are provided.