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Mobility in Marignane

 28th of January to 3rd of February  2019

Presentation of national work

- presentations of national schools: national groups present videos about their schools showing special features like the building, the lessons, the environment etc.

International work during the meeting

 - Exhibition of the family trees

of the students of the 5 countries 


- Workshop “crossed looks”: summarizing the findings (statistics, pie charts) of the national street interviews about migration into European statistics and presenting results


- Workshop pooling of timelines: summarizing the national timelines into a survey of all countries (common timeline) on excel or Timetoast and presenting best result  

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- Workshop Interactive map: creating interactive maps for different time periods with Mapchart about the numbers and directions of all countries´ migration movements and presenting results


- Show “Such a long way”: multimedia show prepared by French

teacher using photos made during national street interviews and with

performances of French choir and theatre group, German singer and

reading of parts of a poem about migration in the languages of the 5

partner schools; international karaoke and dance 



- Life lessons: guided tour of Marseille following Roman and Greek

remains in the city; visit of Aix-en-Provence (ancient Roman

settlement); visit of Arles (considerable importance in the Roman

province of Gallia Narbonensis); visit of Parc Ornithologique de Pont

de Gau (bird migration); visit of Arenas in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer

(bull fighting); bowling as team building activity

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- Marseille: Panier District (Marseille's oldest quarter and the site of the original Greek settlement), Roman Docks Museum (remains of Roman commercial warehouse), History Museum (display of major archaeological findings) and Frioul archipelago (used among other things as storage facility for soldiers operating in the Northern African colonies)


- Aix-en-Provence: city tour following old and new migration (e.g. Fontaine de la Rotonde, Librairie Book In Bar-international book store, Hotel de Ville, Cathédrale Saint Sauveur Aix-en-Provence)


- Tour de Camargue: Arles, Parc Ornithologique de Pont de Gau, Sainte Marie de la Mer

Participants in the activities: 25 foreign pupils and French partners, 9 foreign teachers and French teachers (e.g. organizing team, teacher organizing the show, headmaster), theatre group, school choir

Parents, members of the French staff, some other teachers not involved in the project e.g. for buffet at show evening


Social aspect

Pupils had fun with each other and became friends. They had to cooperate e.g. in bowling teams, workshops or presentations and could learn from their partners. The English language was improved and the confidence to use it at school and in private life increased. Team presentations fostered the feeling of responsibility for the international team.





Pupils got more information about the French culture.

They realized similarities and differences between the participants from different countries and therefore created a European identity without losing their national feeling.






Pupils realized common European experiences in migration by comparing the national statistical results of the street interviews, by making a common timeline and by creating migration maps to find similarities and differences between the individual countries.


Pupils visited cities that are popular tourist destinations nowadays due to former migration movements.




IT Knowledge



Pupils improved their knowledge in Excel usage for pie chart creation; they got to know new IT programmes for timeline creation (Timetoast) and map creation (Mapchart) which they can use for other presentations in different subjects at school.


Mapchart manuel made by French team





French organizing team worked together and shared tasks, foreign teachers helped whenever they could. Decision on sharing of tasks for the following steps in the project according to expert knowledge (e.g. WavePad programme manual made by German team, Padlet manual made by French team)

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