Coordinator partner
Kaufamaennische Schule Waiblingen
Kaufmännische Schule Waiblingen (KS WN) has about 1,600 pupils and 95 teachers. About 1,000 of those pupils visit KS WN part-time as an element of their apprenticeships, the rest are full-time students of different levels with the "Wirtschaftsgymnasium" (WG) (commercial high school) and its 320 pupils as the biggest part of it. KS WN also offers three classes for immigrants where they are taught about the German language and culture (VABO classes).
The focus on international aspects has been strengthened enormously over the last years.
The commercial high school course is a three year course leading to the university entrance exam. The main compulsory subect for all WG pupils is economics and management sudies (6 hours/week). Languages offered at WG are English, Spanish and French. The focus on international aspects has been strengthened enormously over the last years. That is why KS WN has started to implement bilingual subjects like “Global Studies”, “international business communications” and “management studies international profile” in the WG in the year 2005.