10 teachers from the four schools in Marignane / France, Paterno / Italy, Kielce / Poland and Colindres/Spain met their German colleagues in Waiblingen from 22 to 26 October 2018
The main aim was to agree on dates, procedures and to get to know some IT programmes for the project.
Next Mobilities
The next two mobilities to Poland and France will take place from January 28-February 4, 2019 and from March 24-31, 2019.
Privacy and copyright rules as well as a layout for forms to be used to get the agreement from parents/pupils and people that are not involved in the project to use their works and photos were agreed on. The IT teacher C. Bossaller made a workshop on the usage of a screencasting programme and on the app Socrative which can be used for surveys and games.
The usage of the Twinspace platform was explained in detail because not all members have used the platform before.
After all the e-mail and whatsapp messages that had been exchanged before, getting to know each other personally was also one of the aims of the meeting. Visits to the Castle of Ludwigsburg with its famous pumpkin exhibition, to the company Kärcher (producer of all kinds of cleaning devices and employer of many migrants) and to different restaurants and the wine cellar of the German colleague U. Knoll made it easy to socialize.